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    The Ultimate Guide for an SEO-Friendly URL Structure

    Search engine optimization is the primary factor that makes digital marketing successful. SEO is to optimize the content and the online activities that help you in lead generation, inviting traffic, and boost sales.

    Search engine optimization is not simple, and an SEO specialist Sydney can handle the tasks proficiently. The SEO tactics keep changing and you need to keep up track to improve the result. An SEO consultant analyses the business type identifies the target audience, examines the market trend, and form strategies to maximize your SEO outcome. An expert can dig out the factors to boost the business growth that you may not even notice. As you can’t compromise with quality SEO tactics, you must consult a specialist to make the best out of it.

    Now, what are the main factors that enhance your SEO result? You may think of the title tag, the content, the regularity and updating frequency of the content, backlinking, paid advertisements, and some other factors that people commonly consider as the tools of successful SEO. But did you know that your URL structure has a significant impact on the SEO result? Yes, therefore you need an SEO specialist who can think of an effective URL structure for your website that can improve the SEO outcome.

    How to make an SEO-friendly URL structure? Well, the best strategy and tactics can be offered only by an SEO specialist in Sydney. However, there are some common factors that you should follow to create an SEO-friendly URL. The purpose of the URL is to represent the website name or shortly tell what it is about. The homepage URL is mostly the website name, but the landing page URL can be more specific to talk about the service being provided. 

    Let us look into some factors that you need to think of while making an SEO-friendly URL. 

    • Select a Top-Level Domain– Which option do you trust more? A “.com” or a “.tel”? Any top SEO specialist would suggest you choose “.com” over any other options. This has no direct influence on SEO, but users usually trust a “.com” website. It indicates the website to be a top-level domain (TLD) that is trusted and credible. It is the ideal option though you may use other domain structures too. But to enhance trust among the audience, the “.com” domain is the best option.
    • Use HTTPS– In the era of increasing cybercrime, users think twice before clicking a link. When you use HTTPS rather than HTTP, it secures your website. HTTPS assures the security of the website and provides an encrypted connection. HTTP can’t ensure top-level security of the website and provide a fragile and insecure connection. Thus, the authenticity and security of the site are questioned. Undoubtedly, a secure website gets more priority when it comes to SEO. Thus, using HTTPS is preferable for better SEO results.
    • Length of the URL– It is proven that the shorter URL structures rank high than the websites with lengthy URLs. Try to keep it short and to the point. An ideal URL should have around 50 characters. Extending your URL character to more than 60 can deteriorate your SEO result. Do not include more than 5 words in your URL. Keep it simple and short to increase the SEO outcome.
    • Make It Understandable– You must make the topic clear to the audience using an engaging URL. It should give a hint on what the page is going to describe. The URL has to be specific so that it represents the topic. It not only shows the authenticity of the website but also helps to raise the SERP rank. Keep the URL specific and concrete.
    • Select Limited Keywords– This is a factor that can be handled best by an SEO specialist in Sydney. Selecting the keywords and adjusting them into the URL is an important task. You must avoid keyword stuffing and pick up 1 or 2 keywords that are relevant to the topic and search the most. Also, avoid repeating the keywords in the URL.
    • Use Two Folders and Hyphens– Folders are the slashes that you see in the URL. It may seem unimportant, but it significantly enhances the readability of the URL when you use two folders. It keeps the URL simple and clean. Also, try to use hyphens instead of including underscores. The target is to make it neat and understandable. 

    These are some basic factors that an SEO specialist would follow to make an SEO-friendly URL. That there are more strategies and tactics to enhance the SEO result using an ideal URL! However, those tasks can be accomplished by a professional only. Have you recognized the importance and impact of an URL on the SEO result?

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