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    Why is SEO important during the Covid-19 Lockdown?

    At the beginning of 2020, the world changed drastically. Reports of thousands of people getting infected with the deadly coronavirus started to emerge from all across the globe. In Australia, lives were destroyed, businesses were shut down, and lockdowns became a routine for most of 2020. 

    Soon, the role of the internet became much more vital to business from top to bottom. Since nobody can run to the nearest store like they used to, they started utilising online platforms on an unprecedented level. It’s 2021 now, and not having a digital footprint of your business will only hurt your establishment in the long run. That is why you must harness the full potential of SEO and digital marketing to sustain a profitable business during this pandemic. 

    Earlier, people used to be a bit hesitant about investing in SEO services for their websites. But as of now, the situation demands that you work on your company’s digital presence and the overall reach your website has across different communities. Because almost every company these days now knows the impact of not investing in SEO and digital marketing services. And you don’t want to be left behind by the competition, do you? Then the wise step for your company while moving forward would be to look across the table and decide on a reputed SEO agency right away! 

    Going with the right SEO and digital marketing agency in Sydney will do you and your company a world of benefits. From creating the digital marketing funnels for your products to bringing in organic reach for the same products. For this endeavour, you need the help of the professionals. 

    Here Are The Ways In Which Our SEO Agency Will Boost Your Business Online During Pandemic: 

    • Add New Customers To Your Base
    • Focus On Long-Term Growth Of Your Business
    • Grow Your Brand Across Communities 
    • Publish Content That’s Helpful 
    • Local Outreach To Bring In New Customers 

    Now let’s dissect each of these points in full: 

    Add New Customers To Your Base 

    The year 2020 has shown us that the organic traffic across all the major industries has fluctuated on a day-to-day basis. Each new day, you will see either an increase in traffic or a massive drop in the trends. Similarly, we have also found out that keyword rankings have plummeted, which gave us good opportunities to think differently and implement some new strategies. And to our surprise, the results were amazing as the keywords got a huge bump in the rankings, albeit for a short period. Such findings are gold in the world of SEO and digital marketing, and our SEO agency has capitalised on them smartly since the outbreak of coronavirus. And although we can’t conclusively comment on why these fluctuations are happening, we can surely utilise them for our benefit. So, we can help you attract new customers to your products and services even amidst the uncertainties of this pandemic. 

    Focus On Long-Term Growth Of Your Business

    Having a long term SEO strategy holds the key to your business success, especially during COVID-19. You want your customers to return to your website after a few days or weeks. Otherwise, your business won’t be able to keep up with the rest of the competition. Clinching the top spots on Google and other digital platforms is not enough; you have to maintain the position in the future as well. To add fuel to the fire, lots of companies from every industry are also investing heavily in their respective field’s digital space. If you are not doing the same, you will definitely lose some significant ground on them. 

    Our agency will ensure that your website not only receives the best performance but also maintains dominance in the long run. Yes, the keyword competition is super tight and highly competitive in every niche, but with the right strategy, it’s doable. We focus on making the right tweaks to your website, so you can retain a massive customer base of yours for years to come. Remember, a strong foundation is necessary for the flourishing of your website and, ultimately, your business’s long-term goals. Don’t wait for the lockdowns to end; act right now! 

    Grow Your Brand Across Communities 

    We don’t have to tell you the importance of having a solid reputation for your brand name, do we? Only if your existing customers trust your products and services will you be able to attract new ones. And in today’s digital world, your company’s online reputation holds extreme relevance for your company’s future prospects. 

    The right SEO strategy will help your business receive the stamp of credibility in the digital space, but there are lots of things that you have to think about concurrently as well. But you don’t have to spend your precious time doing all this when a reputed SEO agency like ours can do it instead. Various indicators help people know that the particular website in front of them is genuinely trustworthy or not. And we can help you build a strong portfolio that achieves that.

    Content Is Still The King

    Having the right SEO strategies in place doesn’t mean much without having the right content to retain your customers on the website. If someone visits your customer and closes their tab in an instant because the content was too dull or wasn’t informative enough, then what’s the point? 

    Your potential customer should find all the information that they are seeking on your website. Or you will simply lose them to your competitor; it’s that straightforward in the world of SEO. That is why you should publish quality-enriched content of high value all over your website on a regular basis. While your customers are reading your content, you can suggest your products to them at the right time. Yes, that’s how useful it is to have quality-rich and informative content on your website. And our SEO agency can dole out top-quality content and blogs for your website on a whim. 

    Local Outreach To Bring In New Customers

    We know that times are difficult, and it’s even more difficult to cope with all the restrictions that are being imposed on our liberties. But to drive the deadly coronavirus to extinction, we have to work as a collective force. There’s no way around these strict lockdowns and business restrictions. But you can always dive deep into the local market with the help of SEO. You can finally target the customers you previously didn’t consider or those who were reluctant to try your products. Because let’s face it, both customers and businesses have to explore their local market more than they ever did before. 

    And SEO helps businesses like yours to explore the depths of every local business area in Australia. With the implementation of the right strategy, our SEO agency can harness the true potential of your local market for your business or website. At the end of the day, you want that revenue to sustain your business in the current market situation. We can certainly help you with that; we are that good! 

    Closing Remarks! 

    Like what you read till this point? That’s great, and we really appreciate you sticking with us till the very end. If you are actively looking for an SEO agency in Sydney that can push your website to greater heights, then don’t forget to call Zeal Digital! 

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